Principal’s Desk

I am delighted to welcome you to the SSLNT Mahila Mahavidyalaya,Dhanbad family. I hope to convey the passion and enthusiasm that both teaching, non-teaching staffs and students bring to all that they do here, making our College such a wonderful place of learning. I feel privileged to lead such a vibrant college that offers enormous opportunities in higher education, skill development, and personality grooming to about more than 7000 girls mostly from rural background with two units of NSS and one unit of NCC. We have completed a proud legacy of more than 67 years, the college has excelled in every field, i.e., from the flourishing streams of ARTS, COMMERCE, SCIENCE, and HOME SCIENCE and MUSIC with wi-fi campus. Many of our Alumni are National Awards winners in Performing Arts.

The progression claims of the institution that makes it stand apart can be glimpsed as follows:

Highly enthusiastic and qualified faculties who help in surfacing the unexplored potentials of the students and likewise guide them towards their desired goals.

Many students register their presence in the merit list of the university every year, and the excellent results bring pride to the college.

Besides the curriculum designed by the university, we try to improve the academic standards with the necessary skills to flourish in an ever-changing world by arranging Personality development programmes and counselling for our students.

Sincere attempts are made constantly towards empowering young women to be independent Entrepreneurs through short-term workshops and trainings provided by different NGOs and Govt.organisations.

Each year students join us not only from our state but also from the neighbouring states like West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Be assured we will invest time in you. We will give you all the supports and encouragement that you need to achieve success you deserve and to create the future you want for yourself. A quick scan of the prospectus will guide you through the basic information about the Academic requirements and many other activities. The college is equipped with a team of dedicated and experienced faculty ever ready to guide the students in academic and extra academic activities. The college has a library with good number of textbooks and journals as well as students get registered in INFLIBNET in every academic session. I wish you all a great future, and with the opportunities offered by the college, hope you walk towards greater achievements in all endeavors. Success is destined to dawn, as you have already started the journey with us… a journey of a girl’s quest for knowledge, career, and self-identity