Code of Conduct

Co-operation of the students is always required in the creation and the maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to academic and cultural development, and maintenance of discipline in the college campus also in upholding the traditions of the institution.

To maintain the discipline and academic environment in the college, the student should follow certain rules and code of conduct:



  • Students must be punctual and regular in attending classes, tutorials/remedial classes and Internal examinations as per the routine. Failure in obtaining the minimum attendance percentage i.e.75%, non-submission of assignments and unjustified absence from internal examination will be treated as breaching the code of conduct.
  • During seminars/Lecture/project presentation is compulsory that all the students of the concerned class will remain present in the entire session in the College Auditorium.
  • Students must wear college uniform and display visibly their Identity Cards at the gate while entering the College and always keep it on your person during college hours inside the campus.
  • Any Dress-code violation noticed within the campus will be referred to Disciplinary committee and disciplinary committee may take disciplinary action as per the decision taken by the committee.
  • College is using green energy for power supply so students are expected to switch-off all the electrical gadgets before leaving their class-rooms.
  • Student must be seated in their classrooms at the beginning of each period. They must not enter or leave the classroom without permission of the concerned teacher.
  • Impersonation during roll call is a punishable offence
  • Students should carefully follow the Notices put up on the Notice Board and visit college website for circulars and updates themselves. No excuse will be considered if Notices on the Board are ignored.
  • Students should maintain a strict order among themselves in case teacher is not present in the classroom and should not disturb the adjoining classes.
  • Students should not by their act or conduct cause any damage to reputation of the college. Students are expected to give due respect and regards to their teachers, seniors and staff too by greeting them appropriately “Pranam” and “Good Morning” Madam/Sir inside the campus. Also expected same by them out-side the campus.
  • All the students should leave the campus after completion of their classes. Should not wander or gather in verandah, corridors or stairs.
  • Students are forbidden from inviting friends from other institutions and outsiders to the
  • Students must refrain from mishandling and tampering with library books or college computer systems. Students are encouraged to use library any other programs related with their career enhancement and common computing facilities provided and authorized by the college beyond the class hours.
  • All the students should keep their campus green and clean. And should not put/throw any waste anywhere in campus. Use Dustbin for waste. Campus is “Plastic free zone”
  • Any damage or defacement of college property is punishable offence.
  • It is strongly stated that students are not permitted to do any activity like scribing on wall, doors or furniture during their any program viz farewell or fresher’s party. No posters are to be pasted or fixed with cello tape anywhere on the College walls.
  • Any political activity in any form is not allowed in the college campus.

Use of Mobile Phone during class hours is prohibited and is liable for punishment and may be seized by Discipline committee of the college.

Resorting to any kind of malpractice (copying, impersonation, use of unfair means, exchanging answer-sheets) during examinations will be dealt with severe punishment.


The principles of academic integrity form an integral part of the code of conduct to which all the students of the institution must adhere. Breach of this code puts into question both the reputation of the Institution and the value of the degree awarded to the students. Therefore, every student should be responsible to ensure the highest quality of the academic integrity.

The principles of academic integrity require that a student should:

  • Properly acknowledge all contributions to a given piece of work by the institution.
  • All assignment should be submitted in
  • Perform academic activities without the aid of impermissible materials or collaboration and by obtaining all data or results through ethical means.

Violation of academic integrity includes but not limited to:

  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a practice to taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. So, the unethical use of others data, idea, materials, figures or codes as one’s own without properly acknowledging the original source.

Plagiarism includes:

  • Reproducing fully or partially, texts/ sentences from a report, book, thesis, publication of others without proper citation.
  • Reproducing one’s, previously published data, figure, material, graphs, drawings, photographs, diagrams, tables, spreadsheets, computer programme or those published by other persons without citing the original source into one’s class reports, presentations, manuscripts, research paper or thesis.
  • Cheating: Cheating includes but not limited to Copying or facilitating copying during examinations or internal and copying of assignment.
    • Using unfair means or collaborating unethically during examination or in preparation of
    • Creating false sources or citation that does not
    • Altering previously submitted work for new
    • Signing with another student’s name on exam paper, assignment and attendance sheet.
  • Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest occurs when an individual’s personal interest clash with professional activity which can lead to potential clash of interest in diverse activities such as teaching, research, publication, working on committees, research, funding and consultancy. It is necessary to protect professional objectivity and transparency to avoid clash of interest in the professional activity related to academia.


The Institution maintains ragging-free environment. Students are motivated to fill online affidavit/undertaking regarding the same.

College as per the Guideline of UGC constituted Anti Ragging Committee which always remain vigil in the college campus.


  • A faculty member is advised to continuously make efforts to take new challenges and motivate the students for curricular and extracurricular activities.
  • The faculty member must think for the better future of their students and always act like a mentor
  • A faculty member prime duty is to counsel students to maintain discipline in their life.
  • Faculty member should be polite in communicating with colleague.
  • Faculty members should be punctual in class-room, disciplined and dedicated for the students.


 1.To scrutinize Admission & Eligibility documents and registers of admission.

  1. To supervise and maintain personal files and service book of staff and faculty.
  2. Maintaining P.F. accounts of staff members as the case may be.
  3. Maintaining discipline and work schedule of class IV employees.
  4. Scrutinize attendance register of staff and put up this before Principal chamber for her counter signature daily.
  1. Proper maintaining of casual /Medical/ Duty leave register
  2. Maintaining of movement register for staff under office administration.

8.Maintain key board and supervise key movement register.

10.Initiate disciplinary action wherever necessary on instructions of principal

11.Render/Guidance/Assistance to Accounts & other Sections whenever required/ask for.

12.Organise printing of brochures and placement documents for the institute.

  1. Initiate and keep record all correspondence & put up the same to Principal /HOD & section heads.

15.Maintaining of all the files duly numbered updated in all respects in a systematic format

16.He/she will be responsible for all the matters assigned to establishment section, account section and student section, stores section, maintenance section and security section.

  1. To supervise control of admission section, she /he should not deal with admission matter directly or indirectly.
  2. General discipline & Healthy relations maintained among the staff of Institute.

To receive parents/Visitors/students in a dignified & delightful manner so that nobody gets hurt & sort out problem in concern with HOD/section heads.


 To receive demand slips from students and issue books to students as per their demand and library rules.

  1. To follow up return of books issued to students and staff members
  2. To maintain fine collection register and instruction to students to deposit the fine in the bank through SBI Collect or fee collection counter in college.
  3. To update and maintain files of paper cuttings.
  4. To compile back volumes of journals and periodicals and arrange for binding and stacking.
  5. To see that library is in a presentable and tidy condition at all the time.
  6. To attend to problems of the staff members, if any, and redress the same promptly.
  7. To maintain the day wise records of visits of students/staff faculty members in library.
  8. Display of cuttings of news- paper in relation to college activities, articles on education /social matters on the college notice boards.
  9. To conduct the meeting of library committee as per guideline & work as a secretary of library committee.
  10. To Compile requirement of books & periodical periodically & submit to the principal for further procurement.
  11. To effectively encourage faculty & student to use e‐journals-books always in working condition.
  12. To carry out 100% annual verification prepare list of books which one outdated & damaged beyond use.
  13. Make compulsory of binding of books which are damaged.
  14. To receives expert committee & present to them effectively.
  15. Any other matter assigned by Principal time to time.